Eyelid Surgery

What is Eyelid Aesthetic Operation?

Sagging of the upper eyelid is one of the aging and genetic factors. And this is a problem for the patient's vision as well as his aesthetic appearance . In this case, the operation becomes essential. Eyelid aesthetics is the operation of stretching muscular and skin tissues hanging from the upper and lower eyelid, and tightening the areas around the eyes that support these tissues.

Ptosis surgery is a medical procedure performed to correct ptosis, a condition characterized by drooping of the upper eyelid, by repositioning and tightening the levator muscle, resulting in improved eye function and appearance

Eye bag surgery, also known as lower blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure aimed at removing excess fat and skin from the lower eyelids to reduce puffiness and create a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance around the eyes.

Upper blepharoplasty, a surgical procedure often referred to as eyelid surgery, is designed to address sagging or excess skin on the upper eyelids, resulting in a more refreshed and youthful appearance.

In addition, double eyelid surgery, also known as Asian eyelid surgery, is a cosmetic procedure that creates a crease in the upper eyelid to achieve a double eyelid appearance, which is often sought for aesthetic enhancement.

Blepharoplasty surgery cost can range widely, with factors such as the geographic location, surgeon's experience, and the extent of the procedure all influencing the final price.

What Is The Right Time To Have an Eyelid Operation?

For blepharoplasty, ideally patients should be at least 35 years old; however, some patients can have earlier as needed due to their genetic structure. As the patient's age increases, the permanency of the result that he / she can obtain from this aesthetic operation may decrease since the aging continues despite the surgery. The average permanency of this operation is 7-8 years.

Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) before and after photos are often used to showcase the transformative effects of eyelid surgery, highlighting the improvement in the appearance of the eyes and overall facial aesthetics.


Eyelid Surgery and Eyebrow Lift

If there is low eyebrow in patients with advanced age, the eyelid operation should be supported by combining with eyebrow lifting. In this way, the permanence of the result to be obtained can be increased. After eyelid aesthetic surgeries performed without removing the eyebrows, they can fall more and prevent good results. In some cases, even lifting eyebrows only tightens the upper eyelid, and this is eliminating the need for eyelid aesthetics.

Before Eyelid Surgery What should be considered?

Aspirin and similar drugs for a week before surgery should not be used. Similarly, herbal teas and vitamin E as a supplement need to be stopped.

High blood pressure, hypertension, thyroid diseases, eye dryness, such as eye eyelid aesthetic surgery is a risk situation. If you have at least one of these conditions, please inform your doctor in advance.

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Upper Eyelid Surgery How To?

Eyelid surgery is performed by local anesthesia by anesthetizing the eyelid. During surgery, the patient stays awake, but does not feel pain or pain.

Eyelid surgery takes about 1-2 hours. After the anesthesia is done, cuts are made through the natural lines of the upper eyelid and just under the eyelashes on the lower eyelid.

Excess muscle and skin are removed. The incisions are then closed very finely.

Lower Eyelid Surgery How To?

The fat layer on the cheekbones at a young age, with the effect of gravity with the age of the downward descent. This condition causes signs of aging as deep marks in the lower eyelid and in the lines of laughing at the rim.Before an operation is performed on the lower eyelid, it is necessary to look at the image aesthetically by filling the fat layer on the cheekbones. The lower eyelid is re-evaluated to look at the final condition of the face. The condition under the eye is still improving If not, lower eyelid surgery may be planned. The operation incision is made just below the eyelashes. The skin is removed and the fat tissue present in it is spread over the pit, the excess skin and muscle are cut out and the process is completed. Postoperative eye collapse continued if the patient has undergone an injection of a subcutaneous fat.

How long does eyelid surgery last?

If the operation is to be performed only for the upper eyelid, it takes about 20 minutes. The patient is usually discharged on the same day after the operation.

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EBOPRAS approved plastic surgeon MD. Güray Yeşiladalı is also a member of ISAPS and ASAPS.

What Does Happen After The Eyelid Operation?

After eyelid surgery,there will be bands on patient's eyelids that will not prevent visual function.Cold compress application should be made to reduce edema after the procedure but inevitable edema, swelling and bruises continue to increase in the first 2 days. It starts to decrease as of day 3.

After the operation, the patient should lay on supine position and keep his/her head up. This position helps to reduce edema. During the first days of the operation, eye complaints like tension, stinging and burning may occur.These complaints can be resolved with simple pain relievers.

Five days after the procedure, the tapes around the eyes are removed with stitches. On the same day, the patient can wash his/her eyes and apply moisturizer to eyelids with slow movements . There is no objection.

What Should Be Considered After The Surgery?

Antibiotics, pain relievers, edema reducing medicines that are prescribed after surgery should be used regularly. Some activities such as reading a book, looking at a computer screen, watching TV may cause eye dryness. For this reason patients should avoid these activities for a week following the operation. After the operation, heavy sports should not be done. Edemas increase by solarium, sauna, sun bath, steam bath. That's why patients should avoid these kinds of activities for 6 weeks. It is important for the patients to wear sunglasses and protect their eyes from light. Hot, cold and windy weather should also be avoided.

Which Complications Can Be Experienced After Eyelid Surgery?

Infection in the eyelids is a very rare complication. However, it is normal to have a small amount of bleeding under the skin of the eyes. This condition appears as a bruise on the eye and occurs in almost all eyelid surgeries. To avoid this situation, the patient should apply ice compress as soon as possible and use the prescribed drugs without disruption.


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